What Is She Hiding?

look at me when i'm talking to you

What do you think is going on in this wedding announcement?

A. She just stole the remote and won’t give it back.

B. She’s holding the back of her dress together because it ripped when someone stepped on her train.

C. She doesn’t realize her husband is a vampire and ready to bite.

D. Something else entirely — Tell us in the comments!


Don’t Believe Us?

Wait, What?

wait what

Man: “Wait. What?”

Woman: “It’s true honey. We’re engaged.”

Man: “You’ve got to be #$%#$ kidding me. How did this happen?”

Woman: “Well…I was a single lady and you liked it so you put a ring on it.”


Don’t Believe Us?

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Like, omigod! We’re like, engaged!